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Request for blood

Our Available Donors

Recent Request For Blood

Name Email Blood Group Number Of Units Illness Contact Number Hospital Address
Nikhil Nikhil@bloodbridge.com A+ 75 Rd 9812345678 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com B+ 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com O+ 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com AB+ 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com AB+ 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com B- 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com o+ 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com o- 75 Rd 000000 Morang
John Doe ineedblood@gmail.com AB- 75 Rd 000000 Morang

Recent Donors

The Health Benefits of Donating Blood

A blood transfusion can be a life saving treatment for patients with cancer, patients undergoing surgery, children with severe anaemia, women who have complications

  • Reduce harmful iron stores.
  • Preserve card ovascular health.
  • Reduce the risk cancer.
  • Reduce the risk cancer.
  • Free blood analysis.

Recovery and Time Between Donations.

A blood transfusion can be a life saving treatment for patients with cancer, patients undergoing surgery, children with severe anaemia, women who have complications

You must wait at least eight weeks (56 days) between donations of whole blood and 16 weeks (112 days) betwen power Red donations Platelet apheresis donor may give every 7 days up to 24 times per year after a donation. Most peoples haemoglobin levels are back to normal after 6 to 12 weeks.

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